Thursday, 15 April 2010

The meaning of each tarot card - The Lovers

The Lovers card is number 6 in the tarot deck. And who doesn't want to see this card come up in their reading?! It does in fact represent love, attraction, affection and a deep bond. It can show you that someone new is coming into your life or that an existing relationship will see improvements. But it does not always relate to matters of the heart so this is very much a card that you need to look at in context of the surrounding cards. 

You may need to look at upcoming commitments in general and look to see whether you are dedicating yourself as you should be. I also find this card comes up when you are too focused on a small aspect of your life, or a small handful of people, and that it's time to open things up a little more. 

But overall, this is a card of harmony, of using your instincts and enjoying the beautiful things in life. So for most, it's a sight for sore eyes every time. 

(If you want a card pack for beginners, or a reliable deck that is easy to interpret, you cannot go wrong with the Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck.)

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